名稱 : HEM 天然香味茶燭蠟燭 (七脈輪)
香味 : 七脈輪
重量 : 每粒約10G
包裝 : 每種顏色 1 粒,,每盒共 7 粒
呎吋 : 直徑3.4 CM X 高1.4 CM
燃燒時間 : 約 5 小時
此系列其他香味蠟燭 :
In addition to being used to purify your home, candles also have the function of removing moisture and mildew.
Especially lighting candles indoors will prevent moisture from accumulating and greatly reduce indoor humidity.
Other scented candles in this series:
Seven Chakra Candles offer a unique blend of color therapy and aromatherapy, making them an excellent addition to energy healing sessions and meditation practices.
These candles are designed to enhance specific healing energies through their carefully chosen colors and fragrances.
The term "chakra" originates from Sanskrit and refers to spinning wheels of energy located along the spine.
There are seven primary chakras in this system, each corresponding to different regions of the body and influencing various emotional and behavioral characteristics.
These chakras are also associated with specific colors and symbols.
In addition to their therapeutic benefits, these candles also serve as beautiful decorative items for your home.
They are perfect for celebrating festivals such as Diwali and Christmas, as well as special occasions like wedding anniversaries and birthdays.
With these candles, you can effortlessly create a romantic ambiance anywhere without worrying about the mess of melted wax that comes with traditional candles.
The seven chakra candles represent different colors and chakras. You can choose to light different candles according to your own needs.
Red: Red is the lowest of the seven colors in the visible spectrum and is known as a "warm color". It is stimulating and energizing, so it helps with fatigue and drowsiness. Red is the color of courage, strength and adventurous spirit in the most positive sense.
Orange : Orange is the color of entertainment and socializing and can be used in any activity area. Dazzling colors can stimulate and inspire our power. It is a highly creative color.
Yellow: Also known as a "warm color" and has a stimulating effect. It is the color of "wisdom" and can be helpful when studying and when you need to concentrate.
Green : Green is the color of balance and harmony in the visible spectrum, so it works well when feeling stressed.
Blue: Blue is associated with self-expression, representing voice, communication, and the ability to express our needs and dreams. Blue also represents calmness, relaxation and healing.
Indigo : Indigo is a sedative that helps open up our intuition. Open your mind to divine knowledge and higher things. Indigo is also associated with self-responsibility.
Violet: Violet is associated with self-knowledge and spiritual awareness. Violet is a color that has a strong connection with our spirit and is very helpful for meditation and any mental stress issues.
【7 Chakra】
First Chakra - Muladhara - Red
---Control the body
Second Chakra - Abdominal Chakra - Orange
--- In charge of emotions,
Third Chakra - Manipura - Yellow
---Managing group
Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra - Green
---Control emotions
Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra - Blue
---Manage speech skills
Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Chakra - White
---Control observation ability
Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra - Purple
---Control wisdom
A Unique Blend of Aroma Oils, the beautiful candle emits soothing tones that leave you refreshed and revived. As the magic of the fragrance works its way, it also helps in purifying your surroundings.
Fill your Space with a soothing and calming aroma while it cleanses negative energy and enhances your mood. The pleasing fragrance will spread good vibes and welcome positivity, peace and harmony.
Featuring a unique blend of aromatic oils, this beautiful candle emits soothing tones that will leave you refreshed and rejuvenated.
When the magic of perfume works, it also helps to purify your surroundings.
Fill your space with soothing and calming aromas while cleansing negative energy and improving your mood.
The pleasant scent will spread good vibes and welcome positivity, peace and harmony.
This is a great way to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, graduations and more and make your celebration even more special.
Treat yourself to some happy moments with the wonderful scent of HEM.
Change the mood of any indoor or outdoor setting when you inhale the soothing aroma of a HEM smudging candle.
Start your day on a positive note with the calming and therapeutic effects of flickering candles, creating a relaxing and cozy atmosphere. Start your day right with a scented candle from HEM.
Caution :
Do not burn candle more than 4 hours at a time. Container might become hot, handle with care. Extinguish a candle if it smokes, flickers repeatedly or if it becomes too high. May produce an allergic reaction
Place on a protected, heat-resistant level surface with approved container away from flammable items and heat sources. Burn candle within sight. Avoid drafts. Trim wick to 5mm between uses. Keep wick trimmings clear from wax pool.