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#MasterPlug # Power strip # 拖板 #Cassette #Reel #捲軸式拖轆 #Adapter #電插頭 #USB-Charger #Power-Adapter #拖板 # 防雷 # 獨立開關 #USB充電 # charger # 充電 #USB # 插座 # USB插座 # 插頭 #燭台 #Candle Holder # Candle Holder #按摩棒 #刮痧板 #蠟燭 #candle #兒童音樂 #碰鈴 #響鈴 #塔香 #倒流香 #香座 #陶瓷 #burner #橡皮筋 #扎頭髮 #造型 #頭繩 #rubber band #小童 #Kids #香薰精油 #陶瓷座 #aromatherapy essential oil # ceramic burner #彩虹傘 #玩具 #檀香木梳 #Massage Comb #洗衣機 #過濾網袋 #遊戲 #扯尾巴 #彩色腰帶 ##保護套 #保護套 #室內佈置 #Interior Decoration #Cleaning #Stationery #家居清潔 #水喉 #洗車 #垃圾袋 #黑色 #粉晶玫瑰鹽石 #去死皮 #磨滑粗糙皮膚 #香薰香具 #香薰香具 #充電餐車 #卡通 #精緻布藝 #木椅 #七脈輪 #晶石 #人體 #圖案 #符號 #經文 #30cm # 兒童 #音樂 #沙沙雨聲 #100升 #藍色 #大笨象 #多功能 #布藝 #防潮 #收納箱 #黃色 #長頸鹿 #粉紅色 #大象 #66升 #啡色 #粉紅 #16cm #聚寶盤 #仿古 #黃銅雕花 #聚寶盆 #18cm #100克 #紫水晶粒 #極光水晶粒 #黑曜石粒 #透明水晶粒 #100克拉長石粒 #100克彩螢石粒 #100克粉水晶粒 #100克草莓水晶粒 #100克超七水晶粒 #印度 #拉長石 #高能量 #靈性 #吊墜 #圓形 #香盒 #專用 #防火棉 #適用 #於純天然 #手工線香 #高天然 #葫蘆 #掛件 #神聖 #幾何 #多用途 #能量墊 #貼紙 #增運 #開路 #守護神 #辟邪 #招財 #化煞 #提升正能量 #防潮箱 # Dry Box # Dry Cabinet #aMagic ##Camera #Camera #白鼠尾草 #天然大葉草葉 #貓抓屋 ##純棉紗巾 #純棉紗巾 #BG # British General #插座 #socket #UKGPro #無線 # Smart home # 智能家居 #防盜 #門鈴 #門鐘 #電子貓眼 #監視 #party #LED #智能攝影機 # KinSwitch # 無線 # 開關 #獨角獸 #浪漫夜燈 #月亮 #夜燈 #Unicorn #Moon Night #LED Light #星星 #Water Fall-Birthday #星形 #雪花 #雪人 #鈴鐺 #天使 #愛心 #座枱燈 #Table Light #Ceremony party #Cotton Ball #USB裝飾 #BALL #star #smarthome #智能家居 #守 #窗簾 #Curtain # LED # Lighting # 照明 #LUCECO # 照明,燈 # 燈泡 #文昌塔,風水 #擺件 #求財 #招運 #轉運 #恤衫 #衣領 #吸汗貼 #半月型 #不銹鋼 #掛衣架 #直條型 #藍色均碼 #Free size #一次性拖鞋(10對裝) #綠色均碼 #橙色均碼Free size #100個 #洗手盆 #過濾網 #10條 #超值裝 #強力 #吸水毛巾 #綠色,迷你便攜 #軟呎 #粉紅色,迷你便攜 ##浴巾 #浴巾 ##鼠尾草 #鼠尾草 #3條裝 #一次性 #旅行出差 #毛巾 #套裝 #棗紅色,迷你便攜 #紅色 #購物 #手拉車 #9x13cm透明 #拉鍊 #密實袋 #10x15cm透明 #36x48cm透明 #汽車 #反光 #危險 #警告牌 #魯班拉尺 #7.5米長卷尺 #5米長卷尺 #10米長卷尺 #小心 #地滑 #告示牌 #袜子 #25CM燙金 #福字 #喜慶 #果盤 #23CM綢緞 #20CM燙金 #喜慶果盤 ##白鼠尾草 ##封箱膠紙 #封箱膠紙 ##防蚊蟲 #防蚊蟲 ##袪蟎 #殺螨蟲 #袪蟎 ##驅蟲 #驅蟲 ##插頭 #插頭 ##充電 #充電 #口罩 # mask #線香棒 #線香棒 #布藝小木椅 #木櫈 #sofa #wood chair #FYM #豊葉牌 #旅行 ##拖鞋 #拖鞋 #碎花布拖鞋 #家居 #家碎花布拖鞋 ##標籤牌 #標籤牌 #保家宅 #化煞氣 #催財解困 ##水喉帶 ##長水喉 #水喉帶 #長水喉 ##咖啡杯 #咖啡杯 ##銅頌鉢 #銅頌鉢 ##透石膏 #透石膏 ##心經 #心經 ##水晶石 #水晶石 ##抄經文 #抄經文 #拉鍊密實袋 #透明 #卷尺 #拉尺 # 電腦袋 # computer bag #機櫃 #增高 #彈跳 #神墊 #平衡板 #訓練 #觸感 #杯墊 #粉晶 #玻璃碟 #樹葉形 #櫻花形 #花碗形 #摺疊式 #浸腳盤 #手抄本 #除濕機 #吸濕 #Household ##切藥盒 #切藥盒 ##警報器 ##門鈴 ##PIR傳感器 ##門磁傳感器 #警報器 #PIR傳感器 #門磁傳感器 #British General #USB插座 #Wall socket #無線插座 #智能 #線香 #HEM #精油 #香薰油 #Cabinet #wine #酒櫃 #印度紅鼎木 #鮑魚殼 #聖壇工具 ##智能WiFi車庫 ##電動門開門器 #智能WiFi車庫 #電動門開門器 ##火焰傳感器 #火焰傳感器 #Switch #開關 #眼罩 #Balaji #圓錐體塔 #香檀 #香熏 #瑜珈香 #天然香枝 # Cones # stick ##封箱膠紙座 #封箱膠紙座 #衣廚香 #WARDROBE #FLUTE #ZEN MANTRA #成功吸財 #健康淨化 ##手織捕夢網 #手織捕夢網 ##過濾網 #坐厠墊 #透明膠袋 #造型梳 #文件袋 #地板保護墊 #30天台灣雲端影像儲存(月付) #10天台灣雲端影像儲存(月付) #花果植物 #備長炭 #2virgo #擴香石 #折疊手推車 #射燈 #LED手電筒 #感應器 #USB充電器插座 #磁吸無線充電 #無線路由器 #網絡橋接器 #無線網絡橋接器 #網絡攝像機 #三腳架 #運動攝影機 #航拍無人機 #STACKED # wireless #USB充電線 # charging cable #USB充電器 # 外置充電器 # power bank #LED頭帶燈 #電燈泡 #搓手液 #素顏霜 #護髮膜 #持捲乳 #修護精華 #浮力噴霧 #機關槍蓬蓬粉 #爵士型土 #洗髮油 #魔幻凝土 #充電數據線 #電腦保護套 #電腦背囊 #相機背囊 #戶外水喉 #筆 #空靈鼓 #立體小掛飾 #氣球 #中國結掛飾 #掛飾 #玻璃貼 #仿真年桔盤栽 #仿真年桔掛件 #仿真年花盤栽 #仿真彩色蘋果盤栽 #大吉大利 (短封) #新春 #佈置裝飾品 #利是封 #小和尚 #金屬圓錐香座 #阿拉伯 #專用炭 #銀炭乳香 #低溫 #Low Heat Incense Coal #秘魯聖木 #香熏香 #乳香 #香盒專用 #純天然 #水晶岩鹽燈 #茶杯 #土耳其 #飯盒 #風扇 #小家電 #訓練球套裝 #平衡木勺 #帳篷遊戲屋 #兒童 #背景圖案布 #寶寶 #pattern cloth #牛角 #刮痧 #按摩 #3D心型 #靈擺 #水晶 #V形 #necklace #水晶吊 #純手工精製 #防菌 #衛生 #咪套 # Wall socket #面板 # Square Plate #路由器 #暖茶器 #茶道爐具 #戶外燈 #濕紙巾 #RCD #雙頭抄經筆 #WebCam #航拍 #運動攝錄機 #AEE #經痛貼 #証件袋 #筒燈 #人體感應泛光燈 #人體感應LED燈 #WeatherProof #戶外防水 #外置獨立開關插座 #數據連接線 #轉換器 #爉燭台 #塔香座 #智能開關 #智能窗簾開關 #熱水器/空調智能開關 #智能調光器 #智能插座充電器 #天然按摩捶 #純手工香碟 #裝飾霓虹座枱燈 #HDMI #Cable # 燈 #LED-Strip #燈條 #招財算盤 #牆壁插座 #單位插座 #雙位插座 # 抗疫 #陶瓷杯子 #旅行插 #Travel #Router #Wireless #Wi-Fi #按摩刮痧滾輪 #能量金字塔 #裝飾燈串 #防護軟件 # 軟件 #F-Secure #天然粉晶冰塊 #吊咀裝飾 #沙漏計時器 #按摩刮痧 #葡萄酒 #急救箱 #一次性床墊尿墊 #防污墊 #木制香板 #IMCB #隨身掛飾 #鉛筆 #按摩木捶 #智能斷路器 #智慧微斷 #電源模塊 #智能通訊模塊 #嘔吐袋 #調光器 #智能伸縮掛簾軌道 #掛牆燈 #小夜燈 #不銹鋼餐具 #玻璃燭台 #常見問題 #紅酒架 #加厚保護袋 #製冷製熱 #多用途櫃 #雪櫃 #多用途袋 #mini Fridge Heater #熱風機 #空氣淨化器 #煙霧感應器 #防菌,抗疫,面罩 #WP #戶外防風雨雙插座 # USB拖板 #酒杯#碟盤架 #刀架 #閱讀架 #小四方凳 #摺凳 #酒杯碟盤架 #Beseye #IP Camera # 網絡攝影機 #車用 #UVC-Bag #紫外線消毒袋 #地毯 #置碟架 #棉織圖案枱墊餐墊 #Cushion #防塵衣服膠袋 #銅響鈴 #鐘聲 #樂器 #提醒通知 #響聲 #鈴聲 #網絡機櫃 # wall sockets # sockets # 雙位 #聖誕裝飾 #首飾展示盒 #按摩板 #首飾盒 #除臭珠 #相機鏡頭專用棉墊 #白鼠尾草薄荷茶包 #戶外水喉架 #水晶底座 #手鍊 #飯盒套裝 #環保 #坐墊 #摺叠 #户外 #安全告示牌 #警告貼 #口罩套 #抗疫 #銅離子 #防塵膠膜 #dust-proof plastic film #傳統工藝陶瓷碗 #輪晶石 #原石 # colour background #多用途浸腳盤 #收納袋 #智能防盜组合 #UKG智能套餐 #風水擺設 #海棉頭帶面罩 #桌面書架 #四輪底座 #置物人字形花架 #歐式置物人字形花架 #體脂磅 #咖啡杯茶杯 #溫濕傳感器 #網關 #溫濕遙控器 #SELFIE #RING-LIGHT #美顏自拍燈 #環形燈 # Lightning #招財平安結 #IR紅外線遙控器 #IR+RF紅外射頻遙控器 #感應探測器 #PIR移動感應器 #清潔刷頭 #清潔力強 #抹布 #護手霜 #椰子植物油 #手套 #護目眼鏡 #仿古銅錢 #紅繩結 #風水 #太陽眼鏡 #健康手錶 #跳繩 #阻力練習帶 #替換錶帶 #筆袋 #空氣質素檢測儀 #抹玻璃專用布 #面罩 #防護衣 #防菌,抗疫,吸菌魔墊 #水晶岩鹽 #天然礦物 #園藝剪 #木盆專用塑料袋 #無煙 #non-smoking #洗衣珠 #秘魯聖木手串 #智能健身健康9合1套裝 #沒藥碎 #阿曼柯巴樹脂 #阿曼安息香脂 #松果樹脂 #一次性拖鞋 #起泡袋 #面罩防風褸 #colour background #圖案布 #招財擺件 #秘魯聖木碎 #香薰杯 #鋁製香座 #衣櫥香 #智能燈曲開關 #納米噴霧 #BB方巾 #白鼠尾草葉 #塵掃 #煙感 #燃燒器皿 #香爐 #速乾頭巾 #運動巾 #保健食品 #驅蚊趕蟲 #洗髮露 #九能源晶石原石 #生日 #求婚 #浪漫 #紀念 #balloon #收納架 #熱敷暖包 #深海水晶鹽 #Warm Bag #寵物飲水機 #寵物專用餵食器 #磁石貼 #掛鎖 #雪茄櫃 #特長清潔掃 #竹櫈 #竹馬扎櫈 #書法紙 #8x12cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #50x70cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #30x42cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #23x33cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #20x30cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #指南針 #酥油蠟燭 #抽濕機 #防霉啫喱 #防水多用墊 #80x100cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #按摩器 #塔羅牌 #風水擺件 #口水肩 #BBQ爐 #能量探測棒 #防潮卡 #防潮珠 #園藝工具 #陶瓷墊 #單蘇插座空盒 #防盜門鐘 #智能門鐘警報器 #萬用底座 #鐵鑄 #萬用底座 #鐵鑄 #Salt Grain #鹽粒 #玫瑰岩 #智能控制器 #有機香草 #匙扣燈 #開關控制器 #開關調光器 #幹接點控制器 #冷氣被 #食材淨化機 #佛珠 #保鮮盒 #耳挖套裝 #剪刀 #西藏 #野生天然藥藤 #情侶銀飾 #couple #silver jewelry # silver jewelry #水晶按摩 #二位磁叉 #磁叉 #10x15cm #拉鍊 #密實袋 #10x15cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #WeathProof #相架 #純銅水瓶 #陶瓷小座 #收納盒 #保護盒 #抽獎刮刮卡 #風筒 #碟 #清潔剷 #護鞋袋( #防潮罐 #4x6cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #5x7cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #7x10cm 拉鍊 密實袋 #食品級用膜 #雪茄保濕盒 #煙灰缸 #香盤 #托盤 #酒具套裝 #禮物拉炮 #珊瑚绒暖脚 #玻璃碗 #鑽石燈 #燈 #吸濕條 #人參皂 #玻璃罐 #氣球充氣泵 #環保餐具 #不銹鋼匙羹 #大地之母 #面巾 #手鏈 #充氣大球 #可愛公仔 #襪 #酒石 #防菌,抗疫,吸菌魔筒 #保濕罐 #新年裝飾 #手串 #水槍 #環保酵素膠桶 #食品 #骰子 #幸運轉 #聚寶桶 #葫蘆匙扣 #保暖毯 #戶外 #水晶燈 #能量燈 #拉鍊 密實袋 #聚寶缸 #專用布 #手鈪 #小香爐 #能量石 #厠紙 #酒杯 #納米炭晶 #卡尺 #展示盤 #舌刮器 #手排 #香薰 #納米炭晶小包 #扇 #裝飾套裝 #厠纸 #2層大卷 #橙石膏 #挖耳棒 #密碼玻璃鎖 #手繩 #餐墊 #洗面 #真空裝壓縮 #防塵濾紙 #專用鋸 #靈鼓 #24W #G13 #8尺 #冷白光 #燈泡 #T8 #光管 #八卦鏡 #剪眉鉗 #冥想袋 #珠串 # 單位 #靈性草 #粉水晶 #天然輕石 #洗顏奶 #修眉工具 #馬油 #除塵刷 #膠帶 #茶具 #微型玩具 #北歐托盤 #實木枕 #天然紫岩鹽 #刺針 #粉刺針 #外套 #錶盒 #畢業 #銅片 #能量鏡 #挖耳勺 #晶石粒 #行李箱 #舒緩碰鈴 #井字棋木板 #乳霜 #睡衣 #酒櫃層架 #魔法蠟燭 #燈管 #奇蹟玫瑰 #電源尿袋 #行李罩 #護身符 #木盤 #貓砂盆 #寵物籠子 #勺子 #水壺 #首飾盤 ##米缸 #米缸 #智能門鎖 #特大剪刀 #水喉轆 #樹用脂 #小心地滑 #乾花 #香皂 #香空氣清新劑 #噴霧 #電子防潮衣櫃 #貓抓板 #貓屋 #海棉膠條 #密封盒 #密封罐 #聖木手串 #貝殼套裝 #神燈 #金剛杵 #聖杯 #玻璃瓶 #木墊 #香料盒 #琉璃福袋 #訂金 #木製餐具 #淨化水 #鹽皂 #粉晶玫瑰 # Salt Soap #皂石雕刻 #肥皂 #茉莉香米 #去黑頭 #控油 #清潔

201904 華人經濟 - Interview Alris Technology Ltd Founder and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Alan Chan

  Directly hang on the cloud to help the sea - visit Dr. Alan Chan, founder and CEO of Alris Technology Ltd. Original: Today's Chinese Publishing House Today's Chinese CLUB Profile of Dr. Alan Chan Dr. Alan Chan, founder and CEO of Alris Technology Ltd., founder and CEO of Alris Business Centre, founder and mentor of Alris Mentorship, Founder and CEO of aMagic Limited, Founder and CEO of UKG Pro Limited, Executive Vice-Chairman of Zhuhai-Hong Kong Youth Exchange Promotion Association, Executive Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Zhuhai Youth Committee, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Hong Kong Youth Exchange Promotion Association Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of Hong Kong Zhuhai Association, Executive Director of Zhuhai Public Diplomacy Association, Standing Committee of Zhuhai Overseas Friendship Association, won the "Academician of the Asian Institute of Knowledge Management" and "Lincoln University Honorary Doctor of Management" honorary titles. Group photo of Ms. Carrie Lam , Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Dr. Alan Chan He started his business in 1997, and then in 2004, he successfully obtained the exclusive distributorship in Hong Kong and Macau for the global home network brand D-Link, and achieved the first market share in just a few years; in 2016, he opened the first The second time to start a business and join the smart home industry, aiming to create a new peak. He said that with the increasing development of science and technology, smart home will be the trend of social development. For this reason, he is building the company into a high-quality "one-stop smart power and electrical product and solution supplier, all-round intelligent Product sales + service platform (spss platform)", expecting to bring people a more comfortable and convenient way of life. Introduction On January 16, 2019, Hong Kong's smart home industry ushered in a great event - the "UKG Smart Home" product launch conference with the theme of "Subverting Tradition, Embrace the Future, Out with the old, In with the SMART". The official opening ceremony of UKG Smart Home Exhibition Hall was successfully held in Yiyi Technology Co., Ltd. This move will promote the further development of Hong Kong's smart home industry. Dr.Alan Chan took a photo when he led his colleagues from Alris Technology to exhibit the company's products at the 2014 Computer Festival Dr. Alan Chan, CEO of UKG Pro, said in his speech that "UKG Smart Home" is a smart product that can manage the whole family with only one UKG Smart App. Connecting various smart products together breaks the previous situation that each smart product brand uses a separate App and is incompatible with each other. He said that this is a very meaningful innovation, thanks to the support of our global partner, Tuya Wisdom, and our strategic partner, Hong Kong Broadband. It is hoped that smart home can bring you a more convenient, comfortable, safe and energy-saving smart life. Dr. Alan Chan, who presented the "UKG Smart Home" to the world, has many intriguing stories behind it. His story can be regarded as a typical case of the unremitting struggle of many entrepreneurs. Strive to be the first, fully devote ourselves to strive for glory Looking back on the past few decades, Dr. Alan Chan's life journey was filled with many interesting stories. He said that these stories were the turning points in his life and had a profound impact on his present day. Perhaps this is the wonder of fate, full of unexpected encounters and surprises. Dr. Alan Chan took a photo when he led his colleagues to participate in the 2018 Electronics Fair In 1984, 12-year-old Alan Chan moved to Hong Kong with his parents. Before that, he lived in the countryside of the mainland, where the comfort and tranquility were very different from the prosperity of Hong Kong, so this huge difference impacted his life. At that time, speaking Mandarin, he felt that he was a foreigner, but this did not affect his efforts to integrate into Hong Kong society. a way to integrate into this culturally diverse city. During his school days, Dr. Alan Chan, whose physical ability exceeded that of ordinary people, devoted himself to sports and became a rower. In fact, not many people were willing to become full-time athletes at that time. One was because there was no salary, and the other was because the training was hard and required a lot of time and energy. However, in his eyes, this is an extremely rare opportunity, because it gives him the opportunity to win glory for Hong Kong. Dr. Alan Chan took a photo when he led his colleagues to participate in the 2018 Electronics Fair When he was a full-time athlete, Dr. Alan Chan had to train every day in the Shing Mun River in Shatin. Due to the many multi-storey residential buildings and industrial buildings on both sides of the river, the water quality of the river was not particularly good. After each training, he had to clean it carefully. Get rid of the yellow oil stains on your body. With his unremitting efforts, he became the backbone of the Hong Kong rowing team and was finally able to represent the Hong Kong team in international competitions. In 1994, he participated in the Asian Games in Hiroshima, Japan as a member of the Hong Kong rowing team. However, this time, only because of a difference of 0.35 seconds, his team won the fourth place, leaving infinite regrets. This regret became the driving force that kept him motivated. In 1995, the Hong Kong rowing team represented by Dr. Alan Chan finally won the gold medal in Osaka, Japan, fulfilling his sports dream and fulfilling his promise to win glory for Hong Kong. Since then, he has continued to dedicate his youth and sweat to Hong Kong, and won many medals for Hong Kong, which is another story. To advance bravely, to expand the territory and make great achievements In 1996, Dr. Alan Chan officially retired, joined the business world, and started his career. "Some people say why I am a full-time athlete who switched to business. In fact, there are different stages in life, and each has its own brilliance." Climbing up the stairs, it also helped the company realize the computerized network office. At that time, it was a period when computers began to be widely used, and computers needed to dial-up to access the Internet. In particular, computers in the Mainland and Hong Kong needed to be connected through telephone lines to achieve data synchronization. During this process, he was responsible for finding various network brands and companies to realize computer networking. Dr. Alan Chan took a photo when he led his colleagues to participate in the 2018 Electronics Fair At that time, the network was relatively strong, except for the United States and Taiwan. And when I found out that D-Link, the world's No. 1 online brand in Taiwan, has no agent in Hong Kong, I came up with the idea of ​​an agent. However, I have no bottom in my heart, because I don't have any background. "After unremitting efforts, Dr. Chen Guoliang won the opportunity to have an interview with the relevant person in charge of D-Link. Although he has no relevant background and no relevant solid economic foundation, the other party appreciates that he is not afraid of challenges and really wants to do a good job in D-Link. -Link's courage and responsibility in the Hong Kong and Macau markets agreed to him, but on the condition that he would get the goods of 100,000 US dollars for the first time. However, where did the money come from? Dr. Alan Chan took a photo at the launch ceremony of the "UKG Smart Home" exhibition hall "Those who help themselves have their own help." When Dr. Alan Chan was actively raising funds among his relatives and friends, the other party also told him that he had no stock. As a result, he adopted the method of paying for the goods in batches, and finally started with 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, and successfully obtained D-Link's Hong Kong and Macau general agent management rights. Obtaining the right to operate D-Link's general agent in Hong Kong and Macau is the first step in his success, and it takes a lot of patience and wisdom to really operate this brand well. "Because I'm still relatively young and lack channels, no matter how good the product is, I still need someone to appreciate it." At that time, he would go door-to-door knocking on doors to introduce D-Link to everyone, or deposit the products in It was sold in some small computer companies... Unexpectedly, after only one year, he achieved the third place in the market share. Dr. Alan Chan took a group photo with partner representatives when he attended the launch ceremony of the "UKG Smart Home" exhibition hall After that, Dr. Alan Chan worked hard to develop D-Link from zero market share in Hong Kong and Macau to the network brand with the most extensive sales channels and the highest reputation. In addition to the traditional computer market, it has also become one of the few wireless network product suppliers trusted by telecom operators. Merchandisers, entering 3C digital chain stores, also took the first train of online sales, and built commercial system integration business channels, which have blossomed everywhere, becoming one of the very few long-term profitable markets for D-Link in the past 12 years. Dr. Alan Chan participated in the All Japan Rowing Competition in 2005 and won the championship "Rowing is advanced from the back. Its characteristic is that after the opponent starts, we can't see it. We just need to be ourselves. The same is true in business. I won." Dr. Alan Chan never imagined such a performance, but the cooperation will inevitably be separated one day. In 2016, D-Link withdrew its agency management rights in Hong Kong and Macau. This year, it also became his business partner. The year of turning, the year of starting again. Never give up, create the second spring of your career “真正的勇士敢於直面慘淡的人生”,商場上的嚴酷,一如生活。陳國良博士認識到這一點,積極地調整進取的策略,重頭開始。 Family photo of Dr. Alan Chan Although he has been surfing in the business world for more than 20 years, it is not a small challenge for him to start a business again as he grows older, but he, a former athlete, believes that challenges can better stimulate people's fighting spirit and tap their potential. He said: "People are like boats floating on the sea, and they need to follow the tide to change their course. Furthermore, new things emerge in every era. If we can continue to innovate and seize this new opportunity, it is not A wonderful thing?" In the IT industry for so many years, Dr. Alan Chan is well aware of the impact of technology on people. When the fields of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, smart life, information exchange and other fields are colliding and colliding, he See the bright future of "smart home". Dr. Alan Chan attended the inauguration ceremony of the 2nd Committee of the Youth Committee of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Federation of Societies and was awarded the Executive Vice-Chairman Certificate of Appointment by Mr. George "Nowadays, the development of various fields is very rapid, and integrating them will get unexpected results. Smart home is the comprehensive use of computers, mobile terminals, network communication, home appliance control and other technologies to intelligently control and exchange information in the home. Effectively combine home life such as consumer services and consumer services to create an efficient, comfortable, safe and convenient smart home life.” In past experience, Dr.Alan Chan deeply felt the sense of security and steadiness brought by the creation of independent brands, so , he is determined to create his own brand. After nearly three years of accumulation and accumulation, he has continuously accumulated relevant experience and attacked hard. In 2017, the UKG Pro smart life brand he created quickly became a strategic partner of Tuya, the world's largest smart life platform, and cooperated with "Hong Kong Broadband" to build a smart home in Hong Kong; Introduced 4 major brands (Luceco, BG, MasterPlug, Ross) of listed companies with a history of 70 years in the UK, and began to vigorously develop smart green power products... "UKG Smart Home" Exhibition Hall On the other hand, Dr. Alan Chan admitted that thanks to his adjustment in his career voyage in the past few years, he has more time to spend with his family. He and his wife love children very much, and now they have four children, who go from college to primary school. "In the past, every August was the 'Computer Festival', which was highly valued by the industry. At this time, I was completely alone, and I had never traveled with my children and both parents during the summer vacation. In recent years, I can accompany my family. Go out for more vacations and enjoy family fun." Family is the strongest backing behind him, and it is also the driving force for him to keep making progress and moving forward. Dr. Alan Chan's hobby golf In terms of social affairs, he is also busy, holding nearly ten positions including the executive vice-chairman of the Zhuhai-Hong Kong Youth Exchange Promotion Association, but no matter how busy he is with his own affairs, he insists on handing out flyers to help the Legislative Council and District Council elections, etc. I look forward to doing my part to help build a more prosperous and stable Hong Kong. A few years have passed, and Dr. Alan Chan's career has gradually become brighter and brighter, and he has slowly built a career blueprint. "In recent years, I have withdrawn to develop a new direction, and many friends around me have begun to congratulate me on being able to jump out of the market that was becoming increasingly saturated, saying that I found my way out of the market. A new ship, a new way." Dr.Alan Chan took a photo during the 1994 Japanese Island Asian Games In the future, with the improvement of information technology and network technology, the increasing abundance of application network carriers, and the continuous promotion of the creation of smart communities and smart homes from the government to the society to the industry, Dr. Alan Chan believes that smart homes will enter thousands of homes by then. Ten thousand households, the overall realization of universality is not far away. And making life and entertainment more convenient, free, rich and comfortable is the purpose of using smart homes, and it is also something he is happy to promote. He expects that through his efforts, more people will be in close contact with smart homes, so as to enjoy the new way of life endowed by modern technology. Dr. Alan Chan took a photo in his hometown when he came to Hong Kong at the age of 12

202204 Recruit - make up one's mind to be number one

The determination of a genius is to try his best to be himself and find the first place in the competition. Knowing that you may not be the first, you must be determined to be the first. To be number one, you need training. After falling, falling, and experiencing injuries, everyone can stand up, overcome difficulties and persevere to the end, overcome difficulties and challenges one after another, gain and progress, and compete with masters in order to get tickets for international competitions , to win on the sports field.  

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